
Alzheimer’s Care 101: How to Take Care of your Caregiver

When caring for old and sickly people, nobody does a better job at this than the caregiver. Of course, that’s what they are paid to do but if you think about it, it’s not easy being a caregiver. And with my experience, it’s not being easy being a caregiver of a patient who has Alzheimer’s […]

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Taking Care of your Elderly Parents the Easy Way

Don’t let the title of the article mislead you. In truth, there is no easy way in taking of your old parents. There will always be discomfort, the constant nagging from your parents, and the emotional problems that your old parents may feel, especially if they’re the type of people who are too proud to […]

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Senior Medical Alert Systems – A Caregiver’s Best Friend

For a caregiver, checking on the needs of your elderly patients as well as their safety is a must. This is especially true when you are working as a private caregiver and your elderly patients are staying in their own home or perhaps in the home of one of their kids. Now, dilemma occurs when […]

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