Senior Travel

Five Ways to Make Mobility Easier in Old Age

As people age, it becomes increasingly difficult to get around. This can make completing even the smallest of tasks a hassle. Fortunately, there are some ways that senior citizens can go about making mobility easier in their old age. 1. Hire a Senior Service In most cases, having somebody that can actually visit the elderly […]

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Resolutions Are Not Just for the Young!

Sometimes, people make resolutions at the start of the year without the intention of following them. Elder people may think that making them is just for the young. They may even use their age to justify why they haven’t been able to follow the resolutions they made. I think that resolutions are important because these […]

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4 Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Grandparents

Do you remember the time when you used to sit on Grandpa’s knee while he told you stories? How about the time when Grandma used to bake you chocolate chip cookies? This Christmas, it’s time for us to give back to our beloved grandparents. If you’re out of ideas on what you can gift them […]

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Mobility Device Options for the Elderly

Mobility is very important for the physical and emotional well being of the elderly. Apart from having the ability to move from place to place, being mobile gives them a fulfilling sense of freedom and independence both inside and outside the home. Though seniors might be hesitant at first, you must let them understand that […]

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Freedom to Travel with Your Loved Ones

Your aging parent, relative or friend deserves the freedom and mobility to travel across the country or around town. If your loved one needs a wheelchair, travel can be challenging. The following tools and tips can help you find convenient ways to travel with minimal fuss and maximum comfort. Traveling with a Wheelchair Wheelchair technology […]

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