Lower back pain is a common predicament that affects many individuals. Although most mild back problems will eventually resolve after a couple of days, those on the severe realm, if left unchecked or unattended to in a timely manner, can be quite bothersome therefore affecting your day to day activities!
 What are the Symptoms of Lower Back Pain?
• Low back pain can be mild or severe depending on the proximate cause.
• Back spasms characterized by sudden twitching of muscle can generate an acute pain which may go away spontaneously or sometimes may linger for a while.
• In other cases restricted movement due to muscle stiffness can be an indicator of looming back problems.
• Lower back pain is associated with tightness of muscles.
• Back pain can result in restricted range of motion of the back
• Back pain can, in some isolated cases, lead to lack of flexibility.
• Short periods of muscle cramping
• In some rare cases, back pain can lead to weakened legs making it hard to support one’s weight.
• In the case of a pinched nerve, leg pain is experienced, commonly referred to as sciatica.
• Inability to control bladder or even loss of control of bowel movement.
• A sudden onset of fever in addition to back pain
What causes lower back pain?
The immediate cause of lower back pain can dictate the severity of the condition and whether one will require emergency care to relief them of the pain. The most common cause of lower back pain is sporting injury and sometimes from handling heavy objects, such as lifting weights, that could lead to a muscle strain.
A degenerated disc which may happen as a result of an aging body or due to an injury can cause lower back pain too. Episodes of sudden increase in activity that is strenuous in nature can put a lot of pressure on the spine consequently irritating the discs and therefore generating lower back pain.
Arthritis in the back generally affects the facet joints and is most common in patients who are older, overweight or who have experienced spine injury in the past. Heavy lifters and people whose day job requires a lot of heavy lifting are at risk of developing this condition which leads to lower back pain.
Assuming improper posture while performing an activity can be a causal factor to back problems. Whether a sporting event or even everyday subdued tasks, as simple as sitting position in the office, preferred sleeping position, such activities can in the long run result in lower back pain problems.
Lower back pain has also been associated with diabetes. Diabetic patients are at a high risk of nerve damage mostly in the pelvic and lower back areas known as diabetic focal neuropathy. When this level of nerve damage occurs severe lower back pain and long term back problems are very likely to follow, if remedial measures are not taken.
 Lower Back Pain Relief?ÂÂ
Lower back pain relief is vital to ensure that you get on with your life pain-free or to be able to keep the pain under control. There are several ways to go about it ranging from yoga stretches to even surgical procedures depending on the severity and the proximate cause.
Some forms of exercise that target the lower back muscles and the spine can be very beneficial in helping alleviate back pain. Using the Swiss ball to stretch the spine can help increase flexibility while strengthening the core and back muscles. This is of importance as it reduces injury proneness while improving joints and general body posture.
Adequate rest is advised. Taking time to recuperate allows your joints, muscles to rest up and generally puts the breaks on continued wear and tear. Reducing stressful activities and unnecessary strain is recommended. Practice proper body posture as well as adapting a better sleep position. Invest in a comfortable pillow and mattress, if need be.
Medication can also be used to treat back problems. Check with your physician for prescription. Available also over the counter are pain relievers that can be helpful. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice to ensure that there isn’t a bigger underlying problem requiring surgery!