Senior Citizen Medical Alert Systems and Fall Detectors
There are a lot of companies out there that offer personal emergency response systems with a number of features and benefits that are very useful and others with serious limitations. For example medical alert phones may be a practical solution for your elderly loved one if they are comfortable with the technology and you believe that they are not in a great risk of falling in becoming incapacitated.
Walking Off Dementia | Exercise and The Brain
It appears that walking, just 40 minutes three times a week, can help boost cognitive performance. No, you don’t have to walk briskly, flapping your arms like a chicken. Just walking at your normal pace can do the trick.
Fighting Dementia: One Step A Time
The walking cure for dementia? Can taking a nice walk several times a week help you prevent dementia? Research seems to indicate that by engaging in a regular physical activity we can reduce the onset of dementia. If you are caring for an elderly person it’s vitally important that you get them to be physically […]
Senior Medical Alert Systems Reviews
Senior Life Alert System Ratings Medical Alert Systems (also know as life alarms, personal alerts, alert pendants, alarm bracelets, elderly alarms) can help aging or physically disabled loved ones live independently with peace of mind. At the push of a button these systems can send help from emergency response services or nearby relatives and friends. […]
Senior Citizen Health Tips – Winter Safety
As the winter months approach it is important for senior citizens to protect themselves from the cold. Every year many elderly people die from hypothermia and exposure. As we age our bodies are less able to protect us from and detect dangerously cold weather.  If you are the child of an elderly adult who lives […]