
Senior Medical Monitoring Device Review

Looking for a quality medical alert system that does more than send help when it’s requested? Many senior citizens who fall or become otherwise incapticted are not able to press the “panic button” on traditional devices. That’s where true “fall detection” becomes a vital part of protecting your loved ones. myHalo offers a great way […]

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Nursing Homes Neglecting People For Profits?

A $667 million dollar verdict finds a nursing home failing to provide patients with adequate care. The suit alleged that inadequate staffing caused harm to the residents of 22 Skilled Heathcare owned nursing homes in California. Evidence of short-staffed departments and patients receiving suboptimal care was enough to convince the jury to award the plaintiff. […]

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Denial of Death – Who Wins?

end of life care is painful. The patient is often heavily sedated or strapped down to the bed to prevent them from pulling out the myriad of tubes and monitors. Medicine may succeed in delaying death … but is that the same as prolonging life?

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Alzheimer’s and Deep Brain Stimulation

An interesting trial gives us hope of better understanding and treating Alzheimer’s Disease. Deep Brain Stimulation(DBS)seems to help AD patients improve memory function. The DBS procedure involves inserting electrodes into the brain and sending very low electric charges to the brain circuits that control memory. Patients with early signs of Alzheimer’s disease are reported to […]

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Curing Alzheimer’s Disease

The Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease seems to years off. Why? Because the disease is hard to study. It takes years for the disease to show full symptoms and so it takes years of clinical trials to see if tested therapies are working.

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