Imagine if there were a magic pill that you could take that would improve your brain
function every time you took it! We’d all stand in line for that pill just so we could be
smarter, or at the very least have a better memory, right?
The sad truth is that there is no such magic pill, and thus we’re stuck with a mind
that slowly degrades as we age. Mental function declines, your ability to remember
things is reduced, and your mind just isn’t as speedy as it once was.
But what if you could eat to get your brain back in shape?
Brain Foods
Check out the list of foods below – foods that can help to keep your brain
functioning properly as you age:
Turmeric — We all love turmeric in our curry, but did you know that it’s a food with
health benefits as well as great taste? Turmeric contains curcumin, an antioxidant
that has been proven to improve our memory and recall, reduce the degrading of
our brain as a result of Alzheimer’s, and even help to create new cells. It can reduce
swelling in your brain cells, and reduce the amyloid plaques believed to be linked to
Blueberries –WebMD confirms that blueberries are more than just tasty little
bundles of antioxidants, but they’re actually brain foods as well. The antioxidants in
blueberries reduce oxidative stress in your brain, and can help to prevent
Alzheimer’s and other age-related brain disorders.
Celery — Who knew these crunchy veggies could be so awesome? Celery contains
luteolin, which helps to reduce inflammation in the brain cells. With inflammation
being linked to neurodegeneration, luteolin can stop your brain from degrading as
you age.
Salmon — Everyone knows that Omega-3 fatty acids are excellent for your health,
and they’re now linked to improved brain function. The anti-inflammatory properties
of the Omega-3 acids will reduce brain decay, and the fatty acids will provide your
brain with the fuel that it needs to produce neurochemicals.
Crab –While crab may not be a “superfood”, it’s definitely a brain food. Crab
contains phenylalanine, which is the amino acid that is needed in order to produce
dopamine – a vital neurotransmitter. Phenylalanine is also vital for the production of
noradrenaline and adrenaline, as well as hormones in your thyroid. It’s a wonderful
source of Vitamin B12, and there’s less risk of the mercury poisoning common with
certain types of fish.
Avocadoes — These tasty veggies are often avoided due to their high fat content,
but the truth is that avocado has been given a bum rap. The fat in avocadoes is
very healthy, and it will help to improve circulation in your body – particularly to
your brain. These foods can lower blood pressure, considered a factor in declining
brain health.
Brewer’s Yeast — Yes, we may have hated it when our mothers sprinkled this
yeasty powder onto our yoghurt as children, but it did our brains a lot of good.
Brewer’s yeast contains thiamine and pyridoxine – also known as Vitamins B1 and
B6. Thiamine deficiency has been linked to one type of dementia, and pyridoxine is
necessary for your brain to produce new neurotransmitters. It can be hard to get
enough of both of these B vitamins, so adding Brewer’s yeast to your diet is the way
to go!
You’ve got private health insurance to cover your medical costs should you get sick,
but why not prevent illness and age-related disorders by eating healthy foods? Add
the foods listed above to your diet, and you’ll be so much healthier as a result.